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5 Enemies of Skin

5 Enemies of Skin

People say that beauty is skin deep. You can’t be beautiful, if you are ugly inside. Nonetheless, it’s true that importance of appearance and outer glamour cannot be ignored. People are attracted to you by your looks. Beauty gives you confidence in yourself, which leads to make you a successful human being. When it comes to beauty, importance of smooth and soft skin cannot be put aside. You cannot maintain healthy and glowing skin without proper skin care. While there are several things that improve the appearance of the skin, there are many that can cause severe damage to it.

Want to keep your skin beautiful? Dreaming to out the moon’s glow to shy? Learn about 5 enemies of the skin..

1. Sun

Though it is the best source of vitamin D, sun is the worst enemy of skin at the same time. While it is important to take vitamin D from the sunlight in order to absorb calcium from milk, exposure to sun rays can damage the skin severely. Research studies have shown that sun rays are at the peak of their intensity during 10 am to 4 pm. So you should avoid exposing your skin to the sunlight in this period.

2. Unhealthy Diet

It’s said that your diet is reflected in your skin’s health.5 Enemies of Skin If you eat a healthy and well balanced diet, you will have beautiful skin. Eating unhealthy foods leads to dull and lifeless skin. Research studies have proven that sugary and oily foods are the worst enemies of the skin that cause a variety of skin problems, such as acne and skin dullness. Eating a well balanced and nutritious diet, however, can help maintain healthy and glowing skin. Fruits and vegetables provides the skin with essential nutrients that are required to keep it smooth and supple.

3. Poor Quality Makeup Items

Nothing can be more damaging to the skin than low quality cosmetics. Makeup goes directly into skin pores, which in turn leads to blackheads and pores if its quality is low. It’s important to use cosmetics according to your skin type. Moreover, if you have sensitive skin, you should try using medicated makeup items.

4. Lack of Cleansing5 Enemies of Skin

It’s a well known fact that the skin gathers dirt inside its pores. In order to keep the skin fresh and healthy you need to cleanse it properly on a regular basis. If you don’t cleanse your skin daily, you might end up developing acne and blackheads.

5. Smoking

Smoking tobacco is one of the worst enemies of the skin. Smoking deprives the skin of oxygen, which in turn leads to greyish skin tone. Apart from that, skin loses it’s healing power because of excessive smoking. Most smokers suffer from skin dryness, which can cause premature skin aging.

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